For such a small island we’ve a tonne of talent! I’ve always been amazed at the sheer volume of festivals here (I wonder how many per capita?) and the amount of interesting, unique music coming from the place. As we don’t always have the time to write about it we’ve been doing the next best thing, bringing it to life with new gigs!
Our latest project is with the Cuttin’ Heads Collective in Cork, a weekly event inspired by the stream of talented hip hop and electronica producers, skratchers and beat makers that we encounter. We stuck our ceanns together and have ended up with something far bigger than even we ever imagined. Within the CHC we have renowned skratch DJs, producers, journalists, promoters and designers. Projects our members have been involved with over the years include nights like !Kaboogie, The Hobo Convention, Southern Hospitality Board, Eclectoballs, Luchador Promotions and many more. Festivals such as LiveStyles Fest and Prima Volta as well as media for, Drop-D and The Evening Echo. Having this kind of a team together has ensured a quality of music and production not often found elsewhere. Thanks to the latest addition to Cork’s music scene, Urban Jungle, we also have the perfect venue to call home.
To launch the night and celebrate Cork’s only weekly hip hop night we have two of Ireland’s finest Djs and performers, MynameisjOhn and Naive Ted, playing a once off set together. As we described in our previous interview with MynameisjOhn, he has “managed to create a cacophony of electro tinged hip hop, full of soothing melodies and corroded basslines that is more than capable of standing up to it’s contemporaries and firmly establishing the Co. Clare native as one of Ireland’s finest beat makers”
He’s been busy playing and touring as the incredible Rusangano Family, making waves across Ireland and abroad, raising the bar for hiphop artists everywhere. This is his last gig for a long while as he plans to take to the studio with the Rusangano Family and keep doing what they do best, making tunes.
Naive Ted on the other hand is a charming masked being from onlygodknowswhere. He’s mad for tea, wrestling, WuTang and Steve Reich. One half of skratch duo Deviant & Naive Ted, his newest release “The Inevitable Heel Turn” is the latest addition to the duo’s extensive back catalogue of surrealist hiphop music. It is unfortunately Naive Ted’s last gig for the foreseeable future. He’s an incredibly talented performer, artist and musician and will be a huge loss to the Irish music scene. Let’s give him the send off he deserves.
Tickets are available for €5 on the door, a bargain for a show you’ll never forget. Get in early to catch Chris Power tear things up with his live set and if you’re in the mood for dressing up wrestling themed costumes are recommended 🙂 Stay updated here.