Boom! We are delighted to be able to bring you an exclusive stream of an amazing tune from soon to be known, never to be forgotten producer !tems. If You Then I has graciously been given from the Time Swap EP off Belfast label Reset Industries. The quest for soul tingling tunes was not disappointed the day I found this one and I can assure you that French producer Kristoff Sabine will have a lot of lush sounds for your lovely ears in the not so distant future.
This release sees Reset Industries sign their first international artist. Having released electronic experimenters such as Kab Driver and Defcon, this label is eagerly pushing out the most head reeling sounds electronic music has to offer.
The release begins as a slow rolling, bass diving, half step collection that is suiting my mood perfectly right now. Without a doubt, the first tune, named after the EP, is definitely something I can hear being lashed out all over the UK. It’s just got that vibe to it.
Ghost Detain continues with it’s spooky-esque Caribbean synth rhythms ripe for the foot tapping, which keep the levels of elation steadily rising. My favourite bit of the EP begins to take hold as Twisted Tilde gains force. Expertly chopped vocal samples, which bring Pogo’s eccentricities to mind, lead all the way to the beautiful track we have for you today; If You Then I.
If you’re liking this ultimate bass driven beauty vibe then make sure to spread the word and get buying. You can buy the vinyl here, with immediate digital download
Enjoy 🙂
Spine tingling is a good description.
I said soul tingling but spine’s good too ^_^ thanks for the read and listen! hope you enjoyed!