With lots of great gigs going on around the country and the electronic music scene absolutely thriving check out what’s been happening in Limerick City kid.
DIE have been lashing out the tunes with plenty of great lineups having graced their stage. It’s all about variety, and why shouldn’t it be too! I caught up with promoter and Dj Ali Day Lee to find out why variety is the spice of DIE’s life:
“I love walking around different rooms and areas in venues and experiencing what each nook and cranny has to offer in terms of musical style and genre. Fortunately for us, we run our night in a venue spread out across five rooms that’s big enough for us to cater musically to a wide range of tastes. It’s cool being able to program a night of top quality indie music, techno, jungle, hip hop, whatever really as long as it’s good quality music.”
Even the more genre specific nights see the good in having a city full of variety, Manny from Wardance reckons:
“The underground music scene here is buzzing at the moment. Loads of new smaller nights have sprouted up that cover a broad range of electronic music giving clubbers much more choice as regards different venues to go to. There is something for everyone every week.”
House 101 promoter and resident Maedbh is all about the Limerick scene, especially since its what inspired her and the boys to set up their own night: “In the last few months there have been so many nights starting up here and there it really goes to show how alive the scene is, it shows how much talent Limerick has to offer as well! We all kinda go to the same nights too so there’s always that good buzz and good vibe all the time. Everyone’s there for the music and that really makes the atmosphere what it is. As long as everyone keeps doing it for the right reasons and keeps having the shnare then this scene should be alive for a very long time :)”
The amount of talent coming from Ireland is incredible, and is something we do our best to keep on top of at Skirmish – just check out our Irish section for info! Here are some of Ali’s go-to Irish acts:
“Graham Stackpool-Hsuan Records. All the boys from Community Scratch Games collective, sick. Paul Purcell-Glacial Sound (serious one to watch championing the Irish grime scene). Sons Phonetic – sick Waterford hip hop (speaking of which-where the hell have The Infomatics gone to??? They were fricking unreal Irish hip hop talent). Redzer and all the boys. And So I Watch You From Afar, Adebisi Shank, God is an Astronaut. Roam aka Brian Dillon, The Person, Eomac, Lakker, Adam Kelly, Fran Hartnett, Sunil Sharp and a load more!”
It’s great to see so many good acts about these days and new labels are popping up all the time which Manny’s a big supporter of:
“For me its jungle day everyday and I’m particularly enjoying the resurgence of decent vinyl being put out in the last couple years. Great to see new labels like Green Bay Wax, Pressin Hard, Demonic Possesion, Bustle Beats pushing the oldskool sound and keeping it alive”
So what’s next for DIE, House 101 and Wardance over the next while?
Ali: “I’ll be repping for DIE at Life this year along with Greaney and Dan Sykes who’ll’ be repping for Macronite, happy days! We’ve a lot on our plates trying to keep up with our day jobs and running DIE which takes up a sufficient amount of our time to begin with, but we’re really enjoying what’s going on for the City of Culture events…I didn’t really think much of it until I went to Fuerza Bruta – that was world class stuff and right on our doorstep. Such a well run and managed event, very impressive. It’s not often you get to go to something and see so many different types of people, strangers mainly from your own city in a massive venue having a laugh together-which was really cool. There’s actually quite a lot going on all over the city though, like this art exhibition currently being shown in Ormston House called The Enclave by Richard Mosse. It’s really cool, dark and intense (and free to see) with the accompanying music composed by Ben Frost. Nice. So ya, City of Culture is kind of inspiring the city…at least they got the fecking board walk finished in time, well sort of.”
Maedbh:“There’s loads going on over the next while, sure Noddy, one of the residents at House 101 was in town spinning some tunes outside HMV for the Culture Bomb in Limerick last Saturday morning. The whole street was covered with artists, dancers, musicians and DJ’s , it went down a treat! We also have something sweet planned for our May event! Expect to hear some deep, tech, old school underground and maybe some bassline – good aul housey vibes. We’ll be be hosting a special Riverfest party that will start earlier than usual, and have a very nice line up with a very nice headliner, I’ll say no more ;)”
Manny: “Our next event will be on May 17th and Code will be paying us a visit. So you know its gonna be more of the same intense dancefloor pressure, which is what Wardance is about”.
With so much music in it’s history, and more history in the making, this is just a taster of some good things to come from Limerick. Tonight House 101‘s on so check it out along with a load of other class stuff – get your Limerick buzz awn and check back for more features about your local music scene – coming very soon!
Hi,are there any Old Skool nights coming up in Limerick in the next couple of months. I am an old 90s raver and I miss having a dance! Thanks,best regards,Marie.