Regular readers to this blog will know we are massive fans of Radioactive Man and any new release he does always fills us with excitement. White Light Monochrome is the brand spanking new E.P. by the London producer and is a future funk extravaganza.
As with all his releases, the production is watertight. From the steady build of the self titled opener through to the sonic groove of closer Hideout, he takes in elements of electro, post punk and techno, all stamped with his unmistakable style. Transponder in particular is a beautiful piece of work, laced with a brilliant melancholy reminiscent of Joy Division. A master with the 808 and catchy bass lines, the atmosphere he can create on a record is second to none and with White Light Monochrome he transports you to another dimension.
He’s a producer that has never let me down and I doubt he ever will.
It’s out now on Reinhardt Records. You can pick it up from their Bandcamp below.
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